New lawns are fertilized by us at the time of installation. The next required Lawn fertilization is approximately 1 month later (if fall planted, the following spring). We recommend a balanced Lawn fertilizer, not a blend too high in nitrogen (the first of the 3 numbers on the label). Use a local source such as Burlington Garden Center or others for specific materials and information. A mid to late fall application of winterized Lawn fertilizer has been shown to be the most important time to feed a lawn (new or mature).
Total weed control is a two-step approach. Pre-emergent control involves treating the soil/planting beds with a chemical, which prohibits the germination of seeds – before they sprout. This chemical has no adverse effects on already green and growing plants, be they weed or not. Preen, Snapshot, Treflan and Chip-co are brand name pre-emergent herbicides. Read and follow label instructions for application. Typically these are used twice annually (April 1 & August 1 approximately).
When weeds have sprouted they need to be treated with a post-emergent herbicide. These types of herbicides work through contact with plant leaves. Generally, these products will kill or injure whatever plants they come in contact with, so it is critical that they are applied carefully and according to their instructions. Kleen-up, Round-up and Finale are some readily available products to use once weeds are growing.